I have always been drawn to the eyes of a person’s face, they truly are the windows into the soul. They captivate and draw me in. We have become disconnected in so many ways, we are almost in denial of it, but all it takes is a moment, to look at another, to pause and study your counterpart, in wonder and awareness. Time will stand still. You will discover, wrinkles earned through years of enduring life’s winding path; scars marked by playful toils and tumbles; skin roughened, evidence of an adventurous life well lived outdoors.

Thoughtful expressions that beg for a witness to bear its tales untold of love embraced, suffocated, set free or lost, struggles, miracles, mysteries, and magic. Oh, the stories each of us could tell – with just a glance. Take that moment. Before it is lost. Become connected especially to those you would least likely consider. They are the ones that hold the stories that could make you pause and question your mindset, shake your reality, or enlighten and humble you to a more awakened sensibility.

My goal is to draw one person from each country to remind myself and others that see my work, that when it comes down to it, no matter on what land we stand or in what language we speak, we have more commonalities than anyone can deny. For we all have fear, joy, sadness, and love. We want to be happy, healthy, and safe and wish the same for those we love. We are a million different faces, but one humankind.